The present publication does not pretend to offer an integral study of the Norwegian composer's music Edvard Grieg, but rather aims to enhance information about him in Poland and to heighten interest in his unfamiliar works. The volume opens with a biographical sketch (Patrick Dinslage), which is followed by two articles: the first presents Grieg's place and role in Norwegian musical life (Arvid Vollsnes), whilst the second explores the composer's oeuvre within the context of national and European music (Wojciech Stępień). The next two articles concern Grieg's solo lyric songs (Beryl Foster, Jorma Daniel Lünenbürger). The volume is rounded off by articles analysing the Ballade in G minor for piano (Einar Rǿttingen), melancholy and elegy in the piano works (Markéta Štefková), Grieg's choral output, little known in Poland (Beryl Foster) and finally the Norwegian composer's links with Poland and the Poles (Dagmara Łopatowska-Romsvik).