Treść podstrony

Information on the institution - Key administrative academic contact details

International Office
tel. +48 32 7792354

Information Desk
tel. +48 32 779 21 00

Office of the Composition, Conducting, Theory and Music Education FacultyOffice of the Jazz and Pop Music Faculty (full-time studies)
tel. +48 32 779 22 58

Office hours:
Monday 12 noon - 3 pm
Tuesday 8 am - 12 noon
Wednesday 10 am - 1 pm
Thursday 12 noon - 3 pm
Friday 11 am - 3 pm

Office of the Instrumental Faculty (full-time studies)
tel. +48 32 779 23 02

Office hours:
Monday 12 noon - 3 pm
Tuesday 8 am - 12 noon
Wednesday 10 am - 1 pm
Thursday 12 noon - 3 pm
Friday 11 am - 3 pm

Office of the Vocal-Acting Faculty
Office for part-time studies
tel. +48 32 779 23 04

Office hours:
Monday 12 noon - 3 pm
Tuesday 8 am - 12 noon
Wednesday 10 am - 1 pm
Thursday 12 noon - 3 pm
Friday 11 am - 3 pm
Friday with classes for part-time students: 11 am - 5 pm

Erasmus Coordinator

Tel. +48 32 7792354

Room A, office hours:
From Monday to Friday 11 am - 3 pm



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